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Mòd An Òbain 2024

Friday 11th – Saturday 19th October 2024

Local Organising Committee

Mòd an Òbain 2024 is organised by the LOC, with support from BID4Oban, The Rockfield Centre, Argyll and Bute Council and An Comunn Gàidhealach. Find contact info here.

Mòd Convener – Donald MacLean

Secretary – Innes MacQueen

Comms, PR and Media – Ross Christie, Karen MacCorquodale & Duncan MacNeil

Finance – Paula Watson

Fringe Events – Riona MacCormick

Stewarding – Sandy Dunlop & Moira Dunlop

Choir Liaison – Kerrie Kennedy

Youth & Community Engagement – Joanne McHale

Business Engagement – Donald MacLean, Karen MacCorquodale & Andy Spence