Audio Files
Idioms, sayings & proverbs
- Òbanach / Obanite/An Oban Person
- San Òban, dèan mar na h-Òbanaich! / In Rome, do as the Romans do! (lit. In Oban, do as the Obanites do!)
- Air aghaidh! / Forwards/Progress/Onwards (the town motto)
- Thig crìoch air an t-saoghal ach mairidh gaol is ceòl / Though the world may end, love and music will endure
- Mairidh gaol is ceòl / Love and music will endure
- Deoch an dorais / One for the road (lit. a door dram)
- Ar cànan ‘s ar ceòl / Our language and our music
- Slàinte mhath! / Cheers! (lit. good health)
- Uisge-beatha / Whisky (lit. water of life)
- Tè bheag / A small dram
- Tè mhòr / A large dram
- Tìr nam beann, nan gleann is nan gaisgeach / Land of hills, glens and heroes
- Am fear nach gabh stiùir air a’ choire bhrochain, cha dèan e stiùir air a’ Choire Bhreacain / He that cannot even control a bowl of porridge would not have a chance in the Corryvreckan
- Fàilte / Welcome
- Madainn mhath / Good morning
- Feasgar math / Good afternoon/evening
- Oidhche mhath / Good night
- Ciamar a tha thu? How are you?
- Tha gu math /Well (an an answer to how are you?)
- Ciamar a tha thu fhèin? / How are you yourself?
- Taing / Thanks
- Tapadh leat/Tapadh leibh / Thank you/Thank you (polite/plural)
- Tìoraidh an-dràsta / Bye for now
- Tìors! Cheers (as in goodbye)
- An gabh thu deoch?/An gabh sibh deoch? / Will you take a drink?/Will you (polite/plural) take a drink?
- Gabhaidh/Cha ghabh / I will/I won’t